By following these steps, you can seamlessly integrate to your application using your own bank selections page while maintaining control and visibility over transaction statuses.
LeanX uses Auth Token to authenticate in each request's header.
Auth Token can be retrieved in your portal dashboard under API page.
Upon every successful transaction, a callback will be send to the link that you provided earlier through parameter
However, LeanX callback mechanism will send an encoded JWT message instead of plain text to provided link, which need to be decoded with a hash key before it can be read. Below are the sample of callback response before and after encoding and decoding process.
Hash Key can be retrieved in your portal dashboard under API page.
{"invoice_no":"BP1701155880uBMwB9q0","client_data": {"merchant_invoice_no":"LXPAYeubb68W1701155842uNHhS","uuid":"8ef4ce50-aebb-4d8c-b142-4fa2a089fd06","order_id":"None" },"invoice_status_id":2,"invoice_type_id":1,"invoice_type":"NORMAL_COLLECTION","invoice_status":"SUCCESS","amount":"456.20","payment_model_reference_id":1,"rate_type_reference_id":2,"payment_service_id":89,"client_redirect_url":"","client_callback_url":"","client_transaction_details":null,"prefund_collection": {"item":null,"response_code":2100 },"description":null,"card_token":null,"fpx_debit_auth_code":"00","fpx_credit_auth_code":"00","fpx_debit_status":"Approved","transaction_response_time":"28 November 23 03:18:03 PM","original_transaction_response_time":"2023-11-28 15:18:03"}
If you are integrating via your application, the hash key will always be an identifier or a signature to ensure that the callback was intended to be send to you. If the hash key is incorrect, it might be coming from unknown sources.
Step 4 : Getting Transaction Status
The Transaction Status API provides a link to retrieve the status of previous transactions, encompassing all payment statuses. This method is recommended over the callback approach for checking transaction status.
The transaction invoice number for which you want to retrieve the status can be either a system-generated invoice number or an invoice_ref added by the merchant.